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Unique Challenges You Might Face When Hiring Cold Storage Services in California

The cold storage industry has grown by leaps and bounds, keeping pace with rising consumer demand and changing distribution patterns. That hardly means the industry is without its challenges. Indeed, when designing, building, or maintaining a cold storage facility, there are a number of potential issues that must be addressed. One way to meet these trials head-on is to work with expert cold storage construction services. R-Cold is a leading name in cold storage services in California, and we would love to chat with you more about your cold storage design/build needs. Additionally, it may help to be aware of some of the most common obstacles. Here are a few that are worth considering.

Common Challenges in Cold Storage Design and Construction

1) The challenge of maintaining different temperature zones. By definition, cold storage manufacturers have to maintain certain temperatures throughout their facility. The challenge is that, in most cases, this does not mean a uniform temperature throughout the facility, but rather different gradations of cold. For example, fresh produce may require a temperature of around 55 degrees, whereas meat may need to be stored at closer to 28 degrees. A big challenge in cold storage design and construction is equipping the facility for different temperature zones. 2) The challenge of changing zone sites. A related problem that cold storage manufacturers face: What if the amount of product you’re storing significantly expands, and the amount of meat you’re storing contracts? This might mean you have to change the proportions of your temperature zones, something that may require your facility to be retrofitted in some way. Alternatively, cold storage facilities can be built with modular curtain walls, which may make it easier to adapt on the fly. 3) Challenges with equipment Here’s something else to consider: Cold temperatures can sap battery life. Why does this matter? Well, say you’re using a forklift to move products within a cold storage facility. If the temperature is low enough, it could cause the forklift’s battery to die 50 percent faster than it would in a non-cold storage facility. In other words, even with a battery that’s rated for eight hours of continuous use, you may only get six hours out of it. Cold storage manufacturers have to think creatively here, which often means using electric vehicles that have higher voltage batteries. 4) Challenges with personnel. Still another problem is keeping workers warm and productive. Workers in cold storage facilities need to bundle up and wear gloves, but this comes with a loss of dexterity. As such, adjustments must be made. For example, in cold storage facilities, it’s important to have extra-sensitive touch screen interfaces that are responsive even to gloved fingers. 5) Challenges with electronic devices. Speaking of which, cold temperatures can have a draining effect on handheld computers, tablets, and other devices. It may be necessary to invest in devices with built-in heat sources, preventing these devices from freezing or from suffering from an impoverished battery life. Addressing Challenge in Cold Storage Construction Services Clearly, cold storage companies face a lot of challenges that are specific to their industry. And again, one of the best ways to handle these obstacles is by enlisting a company like R-Cold, which offers ample expertise in cold storage general construction. We would love to tell you more about our experience in cold storage construction, or to hear about some of the specific challenges you’re facing. We welcome you to reach out to our cold storage experts whenever you’re ready to chat about your design/build needs.

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